Warm Quinoa Salad with Orange-Blossom Vinaigrette




from the Cart for a Cause Cookbook sponsored by Lexus and Photographed by Dana Hursey

This mouthwatering recipe was created by:

Chef Ray Garcia

Quinoa Salad

3½ ounces red quinoa

1 cup vegetable stock

1 sprig rosemary

Olive oil, for cooking

2 ounces butternut squash

½ Granny Smith apple, diced (peel if desired) 2 ounces Swiss chard stems and leaves, finely


2 ounces haricots verts, blanched

1 ounce sliced almonds, toasted


Orange-Blossom Vinaigrette

1 cup orange juice

¼ cup orange-blossom honey

½ cup white balsamic vinegar

1 cup olive oil

Make the Vinaigrette: Reduce the orange juice by one-third. Allow to cool. When the orange juice has cooled, add the honey and vinegar and whisk in the olive oil. Set aside.

Make the Quinoa Salad: Preheat the oven to 350°F.

Combine the quinoa, vegetable stock, and rosemary in a medium saucepan, bring to a simmer, and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. When the quinoa is cooked, drain the liquid and toss with a little olive oil.


Peel and seed the butternut squash, cut into ½ inch cubes, toss with oil, place in a baking pan, and roast for 15 minutes or until fork-tender.

Heat a little olive oil in a medium sauté pan. Add the apples, Swiss chard, and blanched haricot verts and sauté until the apples are soft.

Mix the roasted squash and sautéed ingredients with the quinoa and dress with the vinaigrette. Garnish with toasted almond slices.

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