Lace-Battered White Anchovies

with Saffron Honey Water



from the Cart for a Cause Cookbook sponsored by Lexus and Photographed by Dana Hursey

This mouthwatering recipe was created by:

Chef Josef Centeno

Lace Batter

1 cup all-purpose fl our

½ cup cornstarch

2 cups sparkling water or beer, or more if needed

Honey Water

7 threads saff ron

2 tablespoons warm water ½ cup honey

1 dozen fresh white anchovies or smelts

Flour for dusting

1 quart peanut oil

Make the Lace Batter: Combine the fl our and cornstarch and whisk in the liquid. Add more liquid if needed to achieve a light batter consistency. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Make the Honey Water: Combine saffron and water and let steep for 10 minutes. Mix in the honey until dissolved.

Cook the Anchovies: In a stockpot, heat the oil to 375°F.

Lightly dust the fi sh in fl our, then dip in batter. Shake off the excess and gently swirl in the hot oil.

Fry for about 1 minute or until golden brown. Remove and drain on paper towels.

Place on a serving plate and drizzle with honey water.

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